Role of Media in Propaganda

Concept Explanation

Role of Media in Propaganda

Role of Media in Propaganda: Media was carefully used to win support for the regime and popularise its worldview. Nazi ideas were spread through visual images, films, radio, posters, catchy slogans and leaflets. In posters, groups (like the Jews) identified as the ‘enemies’ of Germans, were stereotyped, mocked, abused and described as evil.

Socialists and liberals were represented as weak and degenerate. They were attacked as malicious foreign agents. Propaganda films were made to create hatred for Jews. The most infamous film was The Eternal Jew. Orthodox Jews were shown with flowing beards wearing kaftans (long belted tunics).

But actually, it was difficult to distinguish German Jews by their outward appearance because they were a highly assimilated community. Jews were referred to as vermin ,rats and pests. Their movements were compared to those of rodents. The Nazis wanted to win the support of German people by suggesting that the Nazis alone could solve all their problems.


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